The goods is sorted to many categories which you can find in left top corner of your monitor. After clicking on category (e.g. Books), the category will unroll to more subcategories, or the merchendise of given category will show up in main window.
Informations about items are shown in two levels - preview and detail. Preview is used for simple and faster navigation in menus and offers, detail is used to gain more precise information about particular item. By clicking on name or picture of item, you can get to detail level.
By clicking on Buy now button you can order the merchendise you are interested in. Y this action you place the item into the shopping cart. By same means you put into the cart other items. Shopping cart remembers all entered items during all your stay in your e- shop. We recommend you log in before you start shopping, because in that case iven if you are forced to restart the computer, the items you chose will stay in shopping cart.
Amount of items in the shopping cart can be adjusted. For recording the changes, press Update. To put more items into your cart, press Sontinue Shopping.
When you filled the shopping cart with all the items you desire, press Checkout and you�ll get to a screen where you will have to fill in information about you, the way you wish to pay for merchendise and how you want it to be delivered to you. After filling in all required information, you can move on to the next screen where you have the opportunity to check your order again. In case everything is alright, press Confirm and your order will be sent. Otherwise press Back and make corrections to your order.
In case you need to erase some of the items in the shopping cart, change the number of items to zero and press Update.
After recieving your order you�ll get an e-mail to your e-mail address confirming your order was taken. You will then recieve an information how much money will be neccessary to pay for delivery and where to send total sum of money. The only way of paymant is cash up front. We apologize for this inconvenience, we still work on improvement.
Free transport of goods
for orders over 1000 CZK
within Czech Republic
Terms of Services
Tiskárna Kulhánek spol. s r. o., Opletalova 92, 563 01 Lanškroun, IČ 020 18 420, DIČ: CZ02018420 tel.: +420 465 525 741, e-mail: